ron was born 6llb7oz

1986 July 05

Created by debbie 15 years ago
i can remember when dad come in nana agnes's to tell me ron had been born.i was chuffed to bits,especially when he gave me the biggest wendy house id eva seen,it was four floors high! probably down to you fearing id feel left out.that never happened coz you made sure that we grew up really close and we v got you to thank for that coz were closer than eva now.your not ere so we are lost without you,of course but we'll never be totally alone coz we,ll always av each knew that coz they were your exact words u said2me not long before u died-"it was lovely 2 think that when ud gone we,d b there 4 each other"and we are mam,always,even more than did u manage it mam?we were never jeallous,never fought,never greedy or selfish.i want so much for my kids to be as close as me and ron are and iv tried so hard since u died,at times i thought it was'nt possible to carry on without u,but i could almost here u telling me 2 get a grip coz with u gone,i was the only person these 4 had now and whatever it took or however hard it was i have 2 be strong n carry on 4 i did mam n your voice in my head saying that, got me through til today.